English – Spelling


Our intent at Manor Road is to develop confident spellers in KS1 and KS2. We teach children from week 2 in Reception that they can spell any word they like! We want the children to ‘Know More and Remember More’ as the children move throughout school.  We believe that the learning of and mastery of a high level of Standard English is vitally important to enable our children to have the best start to their educational journey.


In the EYFS and Year 1, we use Bug Club Phonics to teach spelling. The children learn the phonetic code and learn to blend as well as segment using a systematic programme. The children also learn to spell common exception words from Year 1 as well as high frequency words in Reception. See below for all the words children will learn at our school. These will be communicated with parents and children tested on these words.

Children do not get tested on words other than the Common Exception words. The National Curriculum outlines spellings from Years 1-6 in Appendix 1 and as a school we use the  ‘The Spelling Book’ which has been developed by Jane Considine as a base to teach our spelling from Year 2 – Year 6.  We use a  phonics style approach which encourages pupils to explore the sounds within words. We also provide pupils with opportunities to investigate the origins and associations of words.

The Spelling Book is not a scheme, it’s more a way of teaching spelling that relies on teachers to bring the ‘wonder of words’ to life. The Spelling Books provide structure and support to teachers whilst allowing enough room for creativity, ensuring that all National Curriculum fundamentals are covered. The Spelling Book system exceeds all expectations around making the teaching of spelling effective, and ‘stick-able’, for children.

All of the concepts, activities and tasks within the books have been designed to increase ‘stickability’ and retention of vocabulary.

The year view of detailed provision for Year 2 – Year 6 ensures pupils have a good understanding of the wealth of content within the books and they are able to self assess and monitor their own strengths and weaknesses in spelling. Through using the quality materials and comprehensive guidance within The Spelling Book, children will develop expertise and fluency.

Pupils are encouraged to be word detectives and ‘dig deeper’ as they develop spelling strategies.


rec hf words

1 2

3 4

5 6


At Manor Road, we want to ensure that our children have the best outcomes in every aspect of learning and that every child fulfils their potential. By the end of Key Stage 2, children are assessed in their SPaG knowledge in the SATs, and through the mastery and application of it in their writing. As a school, we aim for more children to reach expected standard in this area in order for the children to have a strong start to their further educational journey.