More Able Children
Some children excel in particular areas, learn faster than others or have high potential but are underachieving.
The terms ‘able, gifted or talented’ describe children and young people with an ability to develop to a level significantly ahead of their year group at a given point in time (or with the potential to develop those abilities):
‘Able and gifted’ learners are those who have abilities in one or more academic subjects, like Maths and English.
‘Talented’ learners are those who have practical skills in areas like sport, music, design or creative and performing arts.
Skills like leadership, decision-making and organisation are also taken into account when identifying and providing for gifted and talented children.
If we think your child is able, gifted or talented we will look at evidence including test results, quality of work and the views of teachers and parents.
At Manor Road we maintain a register of our more able children. It is usual for children to move on and off the school’s register over time as they develop at different rates to their peers.
At Manor Road we take our responsibility to meet the educational needs of all our children very seriously. For the more able, this includes providing greater challenges in lessons and opportunities for pupils to demonstrate and develop their abilities. We also provide additional activities beyond the everyday timetable, including visits to high school and specialist out of school events.
If you have any queries about your child’s education, you should talk to their class teacher or Mrs Marshall, who is the Inclusion Manager and responsible for more able children in school.
Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
There are numerous legal requirements regarding Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, however our policy reflects the view that we welcome children with various SEND and we value the contribution to school life these children bring with them. Our primary aim is to integrate pupils with SEND into the academic and social life of Manor Road and to enable all pupils to work to their full potential.
Legally, a child is defined as having SEND if he or she has an educational need which may require special teaching. The children who need special education are not only those with obvious learning difficulties, such as those who are physically disabled, deaf or blind. They include those whose learning difficulties are less apparent, such as children who struggle to retain skills and concepts and children with emotional difficulties or behaviour problems. Exceptionally able children also require special teaching. Parents may be interested to learn that it is estimated that up to 20% of school children may need special educational help at some stage of their school careers.
Resources at Manor Road are allocated to support pupils with SEND and maximise integration and access to the curriculum. These arrangements include the employment of an Inclusion Manager, the provision of classroom assistant support, specific reading schemes and relevant computer software. The school also uses the expertise of outside agencies including health professional and specialist support teachers from the Local Authority.
Any parent who has a concern about their child and SEND, should in the first instance talk to the class teacher. An appointment can then be made with the Inclusion Manager / SENDCO, Mrs Marshall, if necessary. There is also a SEND Governor, Mrs Haydock, who liaises with the Inclusion Manager and the Governing Body.