Y3 – Homework
Homework consists of reading, spelling and mental maths. You should be reading at home every day (see section on reading), including your school reading book and other books you read for pleasure. Your parents and carers can find some examples of questions to ask you in the reading section.
Spelling: There are no set spellings as everyone is at a different point, but you will all need to practise and learn high frequency spellings. If you find spelling tricky, practise just a few words each week as it is better to be able to spell a few words correctly than almost spell many! The spelling lists can be found on the English page of this website. Make sure you can spell the Y1/2 words before moving on to Y3/4. Y5/6 spellings are there for those who are ready for a challenge. You can collect and practise words from your reading too, which you can use in your writing.
Maths: From Y2, most of you will already have fast recall of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables and be able to say and count 3s and 4s. Recall means you know an answer without having to work it out. By the summer term in Y3, you should also have recall of the 3, 4 and 8 times tables, and have some knowledge of the others. To help with this, you should play at least 20 games of Times Table Rock Stars every week. Playing each day is better than playing all twenty games in one go.