Eco Schools
About The Eco Council
The children elect eight of their peers as representatives for the Eco Council, which meets regularly as an action group.
The Eco-Schools framework supports schools to work on their choice of nine different environmental and sustainable topics:
1. Transport
2. Waste
3. Water
4. Litter
5. School Grounds
6. Healthy Living
7. Energy
8. Biodiversity
9. Global Perspective
The Eco Councillors put a lot of work into keeping the school grounds looking good, while providing different habitats for wildlife. In the past, we have built minibeast hotels and hedgehog houses, made planters, cleared the pond area, planted soft fruit and made wild flower beds for the insects.

With the help of the Eco Councils, children at Manor Road have been taking part in activities for the Green Tree Schools Award, run by the Woodland Trust and have achieved Gold status.
We were very grateful to receive donations of bulbs, fruit trees and hedgerow whips, which we have planted around the school grounds.

We have also worked with the local council to plant native primroses around the local area.
For a number of years, we took part in “What’s Under Your Feet”, which is a national science project with the British Trust for Ornithology, helping to uncover the impact of climate change on birds across the U.K. This involved counting, measuring and recording numbers of worms on the school field.
In the summer term 2024, Manor Road held its first Farmers’ Market, selling plants and produce that each class had grown or made. We hope to repeat this in the future.
For further information about the Eco-Schools programme, visit their websites on