At Manor Road Primary School, we are committed to meeting the personal, social, health and economic needs of pupils and ensuring that all children ‘learn and grow together’. PSHE at Manor Road closely follows the recommendations from the DfE, PSHE Association and Local Authorities.
Here are the PSHE and Mental Health Subject Ambassadors for 2024 – 2025.
With our tailored curriculum, we intend to ensure coverage of the National Curriculum is clear and progressive using the PSHE Association Scheme. Children develop a confidence in sharing their own thoughts and opinions with others. All children develop skills and attributes to keep themselves healthy and safe. They develop an attitude of a responsible member of their community and show tolerance of others beliefs, religions and life choices. Children build positive, respectful relationships with other people.
Please see the PowerPoint ‘PSHE at Manor Road’ for more details.
All pupils at Manor Road have PSHE lessons that allow them to meet their personal, social, health and economic needs. Staff carry out discussions with children and floor books are monitored. Feedback from staff allows the subject leader to ensure teaching and learning is of a high standard through CDP and regular updates. Medium term planning is given to all staff which has been developed by The PSHE Association to meet the needs of our pupils. Staff use the planning to personalise their lessons for the children in their cohort. Visitors such as emergency services and key charity complement our PSHE curriculum to offer additional learning and assemblies are planned to cover any additional sessions that would benefit the whole school.
All Children understand the importance of PSHE and the effects it can have on life in and out of school. Monitoring shows all children are accessing the appropriate stage of the National Curriculum.
By the time our children leave Manor Road they will:
- understand the different lifestyles that people may live and be respectful and tolerant towards those leading different lives to themselves.
- be able to approach a range of real life situations and apply their skills and attributes to help navigate themselves through modern life.
- approach a range of real life situations and apply their skills and attributes to help navigate themselves through modern life.
- have a positive self esteem.
- progress well in the subject and data reflects this.
- can build up tolerance and a sense of responsibility.